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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tasmin Khan Scandals Hot Photos | Tasmin Khan photo gallery

Yellow newspaper published in London, The Sun, make a commotion throughout the UK. Media was on the Thursday edition (08/05/2010), includes nude photographs Tasmin Lucia Khan. In a variety of photos in the paper, there is a bare-chested pose Tasmin. I am devastated and disappointed, humiliated by the man who used to I guess it could be trusted.
Yet so far, beautiful woman named original Fahana, it is well-known figure with a good reputation as a presenter of news, while working for the BBC Asian network and Channel Five.
Tasmin grew up in West London from the family of Bengali descent, Indians, the British colonized many years. But she was not typical immigrants, which sank in the land of the former colonizers.
Proven, Tasmin graduated from Oxford University with a field of study that pertained serious matter; politics, philosophy and economics. Now, Tasmin experienced on the screen for eight years, her reputation was so messy.
Then, from where the yellow paper to get naked pictures?
As a lesson from the many cases-even in Indonesia until the campaign emerged "not naked in front of the camera"-precisely the source ever closer to Tasmin. He is none other than ex-boyfriend, who sold the nude photos to The Sun.
As for The Sun said the pictures were made between 2003 and 2006.
To MailOnline, the online edition of the Daily Mail newspaper based in London, Tasmin admitted this was devastated because of the scandal, let alone knowing precisely ex-boyfriend who sold naked pictures.
"I was devastated and humiliated by a man frustrated, which I think can be trusted," Tasmin remorse. "That's private photos of long ago. If it were not for bad actions a person, who destroyed my career, the photos will not be meaningful."
Nevertheless, Tasmin still grateful for her colleagues at the BBC still appreciate it, and besides, she was also still welcome to fill the Daybreak program on ITV, starting next month.
Party ITV television stations refused to talk Tasmin's personal affairs. Instead they declared, "Tasmin is an experienced journalist and news presenter, and we welcome her to fill the Daybreak program."
Then, how The Sun announces results polahnya own?
Whatever that means, the online edition of the yellow paper, citing anonymous sources from the new workplace Tasmin with sentences like this, "Peoples in even joking, splashy photographs that will provide a 'big improvement' for the program."